World Compliment day! March 1st!

World Compliment Day is a day on March 1st to spread kindness and positivity by giving compliments. The day was started by Hans Poortvliet of the Netherlands in the early 2000s.
Good ways to celebrate
-Tell someone you like their shoes
-Thank a family member for being there for you
-Compliment a stranger on the street
-Recognize the value of colleagues and support staff
Why celebrate
-Compliments can change someone’s day
-Compliments can strengthen relationships
-Compliments can make the world a better place
-Compliments can help people feel appreciated and valued
-Compliments can increase productivity and happiness
What it means
World Compliment Day is a reminder to vocalize positive thoughts and to appreciate others. It’s a day to celebrate the achievements and contributions of others. It’s also a day to reflect on what someone does well and let them know you appreciate them.
Central NC is full of wonderful, kind, thoughtful, caring, and generous people!
That’s why it is an excellent place to live! Share a smile or a kind word today!
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