What room do you spend the most time in?

We’re curious to know – what room in your home do you find yourself spending the most time in? Is it the cozy comfort of your bedroom, the bustling heart of the kitchen, or maybe your home office where creativity flows? Your home is your personal sanctuary, a reflection of you. And every room tells […]
September – Return to Home Challenge Month

World Beard Day

WORLD BEARD DAY! SHOW US! COME ON……SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT!!! Drop a picture below of your beard or your spouse or whoever’s beard! It still seems to be very popular for the long “Duck Dynasty” type beards. Ladies, what do you prefer? Do you mind the long beard? Let us hear from you today […]
Happy Labor Day from Us to You!

Rocky & Tammy for National Dog Day!

Hey! It’s National Dog Day! I bet you love yours just like I do my big baby! This is Rocky and I relaxing out back around the pool. He loves to play with his ball and fetch!
Be Safe – They are going back to school!

It’s back to school tomorrow for most of our area counties! Please take your time, allow yourself enough time without being rushed! School buses will be out and rolling! Running a stop sign on a school bus is a serious and expensive offense! Don’t do it! Let’s keep our communities safe! We love living in our […]
10 Healthy Snacks

10 Healthy Snacks The Will Love! It is almost that time, back to school in Central NC Counties! What are some healthy snacks for the kids that they will love? We found 10 great suggestions from Certifikid.com and sharing with you! 1- Fruit kabobs2- Homemade trail mix or granola3- Ants on a log4- Yogurt parfait5- Smoothie […]
Life In Central – Return to School

Back to School Tips

Tips for getting kids ready for back-to-schoolWhatever their age, many kids are apprehensive about starting school or going back to school. The good news is there’s a lot you can do to ease their minds and help them get ready for a new school year.1. Early to bed, early to riseGetting back into a school […]
Fact or Fiction – Healthy Eating

What do you truly know? Take this quick quiz and let’s find out! Learn about great healthy lifestyles living in Central NC!